More science coming!

As noted in a comment on my previous post, I have decided I need to address the issues more and the alarmism less.  I will be taking a hiatus till after the holidays to gather topics and start writing.  If you have any requests, please note them in the comment section.

Have a great Christmas/Holiday/whatever you celebrate (or don’t celebrate)!!


Scientific Badger

4 comments on “More science coming!

  1. Sheri says:

    Wyoming winters often go six months. It’s been rather mild for the last few years, sadly. I remain convinced the cold and snow will return soon. My first year out here it was never about zero for the month of December, if I remember correctly.

    I’m sure I saw your post at the time, but I bookmarked it now for future reference. I look forward to an update! I generally read most of the articles on WUWT, or at least try.

  2. Gary says:

    As I was shivering as my car warmed up on the way home from work, it occurred to me that with the predicted-by-some downturn in temperatures, it might be masked by UHI keeping the night-time lows up. Daily high and low get averaged so if the formere stays steady or declines a bit and the latter increases we get a false picture. Shouldn’t we be looking at the high and low temps separately? Is this the kind of science you might look at?

    Merry Christmas to you and your badgers.

    • Sheri says:

      Gary, yes, and I appreciate your idea. I thought I’d start out with temperatures, their measurements, etc and what it all means, so your idea will fit right in. It might be more correct to look at continents separately, or specific areas, rather than global. I know it’s supposed to be “global”, but obviously, it is not. I’m also going to look at statistics used and what they mean, etc. Plus a look at the infamous John Cook and his psyching out of people trying to sell a theory that cannot be sold with truth. I enjoy these topics and just kind of drifted into the “rant” area as the climate of the country went steadily downhill. (Pun intended!)

      It’s interesting that our “junior” meteorologist on the local news often mentions UHI and how the buildings and lack of wind in town makes the temperatures warmer in town. He talks about the heat stored in the streets and how that affects the temperature. It’s really refreshing!

      I hope you warm up soon! Looks like we are going to be above average (like over 40° F) for the next few days but maybe a bit of snow at Christmas. I really don’t think people realize how much snow songs about white Christmases entailed or they wouldn’t want that!

      Merry Christmas to you, too.

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